All Equestor saddles are designed to distribute weight evenly over a greater surface and allowing the shoulder and spine the freedom to move. The ergonomically shaped panels will conform to the horses back. This will prevent pressure points and muscle athrophies. By using an Equstor saddle your horse can develop the topline and restore damaged muscle tissue from the past. The wide gullet and panels make the saddle suitable not only for rounder-backed horses.
Equestor Specialized Saddlery is owned by Inge Zwan who has completed het study through the Society of Master Saddlers in England and who has very long experience with all kind of horses.
Equestor saddles stand out because of their ergonomic design; superb comfort and support for horse and rider without interference, by using horse-friendly innovative concepts. All saddles are custom build to your specifics, offered at a competitive price.
Equestor saddles are build on a springtree and are available in a variety of trees and seat sizes, colors and custom options.

More than 1000 satisfied riders in Europe
Nunc dictum pulvinar porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur tortor lorem, lacinia in nunc eget tristique volutpat urna.
100% QualitySaddles
The starting point for any design is the flexible boom that follows the longitudinal backline for as long as possible for optimum load-bearing capacity. Huge shoulder and shoulder withers, greater support and plenty of space for the spine ensure that the horse can really perform without obstacles!